Fotó-kalendárium – Sebastião Salgado

2012. február 08. Mai Manó Ház

1944. február 8-án, ma 68 éve született Brazilíában, 1973-tól fotózik, 1994-ig tagja a Magnum csoportnak is. A több mint 100 országot megjárt Hasselblad-díjas dokumentarista fotográfus munkáit az alábbi fotóalbumokban is megtekinthetjük: Other Americas (1986), Sahel: l’homme en détresse (1986), Sahel: el fin del camino (1988), Workers (1993), Terra (1997), Migrations and Portraits (2000), and Africa (2007).

Fotó: Sebastião Salgado: Going up the Serra Pelada mine, Brazil, 1986.
© Sebastião Salgado

Fotó: Sebastião Salgado: Refugees in the Korem camp Ethiopia, 1984.
© Sebastião Salgado

Fotó: Sebastião Salgado: Dinka Cattle Camp of Amtak, Southern Sudan 2006.

Fotó: Sebastião Salgado: Church Gate Stations, Western Railroad Line, Bombay, India 1995.  



(Run Time: 1 hour, 10 min.)

5/12/09 -- Traveling constantly across Africa, Latin America, and Asia, Sebastião Salgado has documented the human toll of violence and migration in visually stunning photographs of manual laborers, refugees, and sprawling metropolises. The 2001 documentary Salgado: The Spectre of Hope chronicled the creation of his series of photographs, published as Migrations: Humanity in Transition. In 1998 he established the Instituto Terra with his wife to restore biodiversity to the Atlantic Forest in Brazil, encourage sustainable development, and conduct research and environmental education. He has been honored with the Hasselblad Award, Photographer of the Year by the International Center for Photography, and an honorary doctorate from the New School.



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